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Fire Water Pump Capacity Calculation Part 1 – Fire Zones Determination

Process safety and pressure relieving and depressuring system are two areas that I want to master. Since the topic is quite big, in this post I want to share you what I learnt about fire water pump capacity calculation, specifically how to determine fire zones.

Fire water pump capacity calculation begins with fire zones determination. The whole pictures of fire water pump capacity calculation is expressed in figure below.

Fire water pump capacity calculation
Fire water pump capacity calculation

To determine fire water pump capacity, we can say we determine fire water demandMaximum fire water demand is summation of fire water required for fixed system (water spray, foam, sprinkler) and fire water required for manual fire fighting equipment (fire hydrant, fire monitor, and hose reel). Read More

Discussing about Fire Extinguisher with Vendors

Yesterday I got a quite tough and long discussion with one of fire extinguisher product vendor. I learned that I need to define what I really want, what scope of supply is, and what scope of works is. The discussion became very unefficient at the beginning because of those issues. My action was late so that I could not control the discussion. Fortunately, it was clear at the end.

I have created material take off for fire extinguisher and other related products, such as hose reel, potable fire extinguisher, manual alarm pull station, smoke detector, hydrant pillar, hydrant box, siamese connection, and water spray for the tanks. However, there were several issues that has not been addressed. Honestly, the discussion broadened my knowledge because the vendor has a lot of experience (I think). In this post, I want to share to you some of the points. Read More

Calculation of Water Spray for Fire Protection of Vertical Vessel

I just got an assignment from my boss to calculate fire protection of vertical vessel. NFPA 15 (National Fire Protection Association 15) is a standard for water spray fixed system for fire protection.


As per NFPA 15, water spray refer to the use of water in a form of having a predetermined pattern, particle size, velocity, and density discharged from specially designed nozzle devices. Read More

How to Calculate Jockey Pump Capacity in Fire Fighting System


About two days ago, my colleague asked me about inconsistency in our design basis of fire fighting system of our on-going project. In our design basis, we stated that the capacity of jockey pump is 50 gpm (the capacity of main fire pump is 500 gpm for electric motor fire fighting and diesel engine fire fighting, respectively). But vendor who supply fire fighting package stated that they will supply jockey pump with the capacity of 25 gpm. It would be a problem if the Construction Management (the one who monitors and review the product of the project) notices this. The question that will be come up is are you sure the capacity of jockey pump (which is 25 gpm) is enough in case there is a fire? The question rises in my mind is

How to calculate jockey pump capacity in fire fighting system? Read More