One of my colleague yesterday (8/2) asked me what exactly an energy auditor do in energy audit project. It took a minute for me to answer that question because I did not involve directly into that project (I defined myself as expediter in this project, not as engineer. But since I am chemical engineer, I quite understand what we do in energy audit project). About that question, I said an energy auditor does calculation of energy consumption per product, determine if the plant consumes too much energy or not, and give some recommendations to conserve energy. Is that an easy job? I don’t think so. It is not easy, but it’s simple. Read More
Tag: energy audit
Chemical Engineer’s Diary: How far I have grown?
About five days ago I got an email from my boss. He asked my opinion about working in this company. Honestly, I have been asking myself how far I have grown as chemical engineer who works as consultant. I found the answer was very hard. I am not quite sure I have grown a lot as chemical engineer.
I have been working in this company since November 2011, so it’s been nine months. I have involved in six projects, one pre-feasibility study project, one bankable feasibility study project, three energy audit projects, and one engineering project (make piping and instrumentation diagram mostly). Although my project is quite a lot, I think my chemical engineering knowledge improved slowly. This is regrettable, but I need will not stop to create many ideas to improve ability. Read More
Energy Audit : Its Business Potential
Energy Audit especially for buildings and plants is considered as a huge potential business for consulting company especially in Indonesia. The Indonesia ministry of energy and mineral resources has issued law No. 14 year of 2002 about energy management. The law said that every energy user which consumes more than 6000 ton oil equivalent (TOE) is required to implement energy management.
What is energy audit?
Energy audit is evaluation process of energy utilization, identification of energy saving opportunities, and formulate recommendation and energy efficiency improvement. Energy audit is carried out at least to main energy consumers regularly once every three year.
Who does energy audit?
Energy audit should be performed by internal energy auditor or by accredited institutions. The energy auditor should have competence certificate based on Indonesia legislation. Read More