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Cooling Tower Makeup Water Calculation with Example

It’s been a while since the last time I write an article about utility system. In this post I want to share you how to calculate cooling tower makeup water.

Cooling tower must be made up because the water level decrease by the time during operation. There are aspect that contribute to calculation of cooling tower makeup water. Those are:

  • Evaporation loss
  • Drift loss
  • Blow down

Total cooling water makeup water requirement = evaporation loss + drift loss + blow down.

Let’s take a look one by one how to calculate each component.

Evaporation Loss

Evaporation loss is loss of water due to evaporation. It is calculated by this equation:

Evaporation loss = 0.00085 Wc (T1-T2)

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Assessment of Cooling Tower Performance

Yesterday, I just got an opportunity to inspect some of cooling tower equipment, such as motors, fans, fan stack, low oil level switch, and so on. It was great. I got more understanding about the system, which is very valuable for me as young chemical engineer.

Before I do the inspection, I tried to learn something about cooling tower. I found from this link about how to assess a cooling tower. In this post I want to give you an example of my own cooling tower.

There are several parameters to assess the performance of cooling towers. Note: CT = cooling tower; CW = cooling water Read More