I think metal industry is gaining interest this year. At my company, we have at least two project related to metal industry in the last three months. We have proposed one project related to energy conservation in metal industry as well.
I want to show you one example. Based on Market Study published by Brook Hunt (2011), there are at least four new ferronickel project in Indonesia under completion stage.
- Antam’s ferronickel project at East Halmahera with total cost USD 1.6 billion
- Nickel-in-matte (15% Ni) of PT Billy International and Jilin HOROC at Konawe region, South-East Sulawesi. Based on this source, the total cost would be USD 6 billion, which consider giant project
- Ferronickel of PT Inco at Bohodopi, Morowali district, Central Sulawesi with total cost USD 500 million
- Nickel mine and nickel smelter of Eramet at Weda Bay, Halmahera, with total project cost USD 6 billion Read More