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Characteristics of Piping Material

In previous post, we learned how select piping material. There are several considerations in selecting piping material, which are service life, code requirement, allowable stresses, design temperature, design pressure, corrosion, and economics. As a continuation of the post, we also need to understand characteristics of piping material. What are important characteristics of piping material?

Let’s find out.


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Piping Material Selection

During engineering projects, I usually face with usual fluid condition. Therefore, the piping material used is usually carbon steel. But this year my team handled fluids with high acidity, so that material selection for piping and equipment are quite challenging.

In this occasion, I want to share a post about piping material selection. The main purpose is to refresh my knowledge about piping material selection I got during 3rd year in college. I hope I find this post useful in my future projects.

For info, this post will be summary of what I read from several resources. I am not a master of piping. But I hope this post will give us a bit insight in how to select piping material as process engineers. Read More

Pipe Wall Thickness Chart

Pipe wall thickness chart is a must-have item for me as process engineer. I usually use it when I have to size pipe, do hydraulic analysis, etc. Information I need from the chart are mostly outside diameter and inside diameter of particular pipe size.

In this post I want to share you pipe wall thickness chart based on ASME B36.19M-2004 Stainless Steel Pipe.

In this chart you can extract data of

  • Outside diameter and wall thickness in inch and mm
  • Pipe size is expressed in NPS (Nominal Pipe Schedule) and DN (Diametre Nominal)
  • Weight in pound per linear foot or kilogram per meter

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Pipe Size Selection and Several Criteria of Pipe Size

Someone in my office asked me if there is a criteria for pipe size selection, in other words, pipe sizing criteria. One basic document that every process engineer produce in the beginning of engineering stage is process design basisIn the document, pipe size criteria shall be stated clearly.

I have involved in at least two engineering projects. Those two projects have different pipe size criteria. Which one is correct? Read More

Piping Basics

I am getting a really nice and free piping bulk material training in my company. It is a really rare for me to get such training so I won’t let it pass without meaning. The training was actually intended for supply chain staff. Although I am not one of them, my boss let me participate in the training.

Five days ago was a second meeting. It was not as good as the first time because we started to learn technical matter although it’s only the basic. Since there will be a test and I don’t want to put my face on shame, I need to learn more to gain the same understanding as those supply chain staffs.

I just got a nice, simple, and understandable presentation about piping basics. I really enjoy the presentation and I hope you too.


Understanding Terms in Piping System Part 1

You always need to find a bright side of a simple task. For example, copy, paste, and modify piping material specification, specification for coating and wrapping, and piping design. Yesterday I did this! At the first time I thought this was a very ridiculuous task yet unimportant. I’ve ever seen a drafter did this. But I found a bright side of this task which is a chance to learn. 

My objective is very simple. I want to understand what other people are talking about, when piping is their topic. I want to undestand the terms and imagine what they are looked like. That’s all. I think this is a good step to learn about piping.

Piping system has a lot of terms. So, it is impossible to write and describe all of them. In this post I want to share a brief explanation about piping system. As long as I understand them, it’s oke 🙂 Read More