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Small Scale Geothermal Power Plant is My Project of the Year

It’s been a while since the last post I wrote in this blog. I always, always want to have a fresh start and be consistent in this way. So, here I am, updating this blog! Yeay!

I’ve learnt many things during this year. In this very first post of the year, I want to share you what projects I have done and on-going at the moment. Hopefully you can enjoy it.

At the beginning of the year, I had a small scale geothermal power plant. It was my very first geothermal power plant project. So, I was very excited and of course… worried.

Geothermal power plant is a clean source of energy and it is renewable. This source of energy is something that Indonesia can rely in the future.

Type of renewable energy
Geothermal is one type of renewable energy

Based on RUPTL of PLN, utilization of geothermal power plants in Indonesia is still low, which is 4.9% (status of 2015). Indonesia has potential of geothermal power of 29,544 MW. We have a lot of works to do as engineers!

Potential of renewable energy
Potential of renewable energy

On the other hand, by 2025, Government of Indonesia plans to increase utilization geothermal Energy to 12%. That means, there will be about 260 MW of electricity per year generated from geothermal power plants!

Status and target of energy source in Indonesia
Status and target of energy source in Indonesia

There is one irrational reason why I like geothermal power plant: the location! The power plants are usually located in cold area. So the location is very green, fresh, and relaxing. Just additional intermezzo from me 🙂

This is me, having a little trip after HAZOP study in our small scale geothermal project

I hope you can see grand design of this geothermal power plants, its potential, and how it will grow every year.

The next post will be still about my project of the year. See you on the next post!



  1. RUPTL 2018

2 thoughts to “Small Scale Geothermal Power Plant is My Project of the Year”

  1. Whats the difference between Small-scale and conventional type in geothermal plant? Please elaborate. Thank you.

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