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Energy Potential Scan

About three weeks ago, I got a chance to participate in a seminar explaining The Result of Energy Potential Scan (EPS) in Indonesia. The seminar was held in Sahid Hotel Lippo Cikarang from 09.00 am to 13.30 pm.

The application of EPS in Indonesia was a form of cooperation between Indonesia with Netherland. Energy Potential Scan is an ideal instrument used to analyze the existing energy consumption and to analyze the possibility to conserve energy. In Netherland, energy efficiency has been started since 1990. At 1990, the target was to achieve 20% of energy efficiency within 10 years. The result was even better. Within 10 years, energy efficiency was 23%. As the follow up of this achievement, energy efficiency is applied to every production line.

There’s evolution in energy valuation. Energy is a cost-center that we must not ignore. Moreover, energy saving has been encourage since 1970. Energy savings is important because utilization of fossil energy leads to climate change. Energy Service Companies (ESCO) mostly  don’t have authority to interact with most people in the industry.

Energy potential scan is a form of participative model. Unlike traditional energy audit approach, in EPS, company and energy consultants work together to see the possibility to conserve energy.

Traditional Energy Audit Approach
Traditional Energy Audit Approach
Participative approach-Energy Potential Scan
Participative approach-Energy Potential Scan

There are two keys in EPS, quality and acceptance.

Effectiveness = Quality x Acceptance


  • Expertise and experience of engineers in the company project owner
  • Method and analysis tool
  • Expertise and experience of consultant in the energy service company

Acceptance: (this is something that different from Traditional Energy Audit)

  • Commitment from management
  • Participation of key personnel or Energy Action Team (EAT)
  • Action of the project company
  • Consultants

The method in EPS is illustrated in the figure below.

Method in Energy Potential Scan
Method in Energy Potential Scan

Energy consumption analysis consists of data collecting and energy distribution. This step collects big issues happened related to energy.

Energy efficiency scan involves brain storming, thinking about the ideas to improve efficiency, and possible application both financially and technically.

Energy management scan involves checking and acting.

After all opportunity to improve efficiency was collected, it’s time to arrange energy efficiency plan. At this step, company management should prepare qualified team to do EPS.

Energy efficiency in Indonesia still on paper, there is no exact policy that manages about energy efficiency.

At 2011, there were five pilot companies which applied EPS. There are Candra Asri, Akasha Wira, Daido Metal, Krakatau Steel, and JST Indonesia (Japan Soldier Terminal). By using EPS, energy saving is mostly about 8-10%. The consultants involved in this first project were PT Tracon Industri, Emi Persero, and Gerbang Multindo Nusantara. The first pilot project was considered success; the second pilot project was performed. The second project involved Indorama, Hino, Pan Brothers, Pancaprima, and Indofood.

Sometimes, energy efficiency plan is not that complicated. Change the lighting system, use different lamp, use different refrigerant for AC, can be good examples in energy efficiency plan. The complicated one could be utilization of waste heat.

As a follow up of EPS program, Indonesia government plant to establish the regulation that every company that consumes more than 6000 toe (ton of oil equivalent) energy should perform energy management. The activity in energy management consist of:

  1. Appoint energy manager
  2. Perform energy audit
  3. Perform energy saving recommendation

Energy management will not be applied in industry sectors, but also in domestic sectors. The application of energy management in domestic sectors could be:

  1. Using TL lamp
  2. Using sun-energy heater
  3. Using high efficiency AC (COP (Coefficient of Performance) >3)
  4. Using hydrocarbon refrigerant to replace CFC

The application of EPS seems very promising, however there are several challenges that we need to answer.

Challenges in the implementation of Energy Potential Scan
Challenges in the implementation of Energy Potential Scan

It is very surprising that the some projects I’ve mentioned earlier only implement EPS until Energy efficiency scan only. Energy efficiency act has been proposed, however some of them are not sure if the implementation of EPS will work or not. I think this is the biggest problem we face.

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