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Energy Audit : Its Business Potential


Energy Audit especially for buildings and plants is considered as a huge potential business for consulting company especially in Indonesia. The Indonesia ministry of energy and mineral resources has issued law No. 14 year of 2002 about energy management. The law said that every energy user which consumes more than 6000 ton oil equivalent (TOE) is required to implement energy management.

What is energy audit

Energy audit is evaluation process of energy utilization, identification of energy saving opportunities, and formulate recommendation and energy efficiency improvement. Energy audit is carried out at least to main energy consumers regularly once every three year.

Who does energy audit?

Energy audit should be performed by internal energy auditor or by accredited institutions. The energy auditor should have competence certificate based on Indonesia legislation.

What is the result of energy audit?

The results of energy audit is recommendation of energy audit. The recommendation can be classified into four types:

  1. Recommendation with no required investment. It should be implemented less than one year
  2. Recommendation with low investment: potential of energy saving is about 10% and payback period is about two years. It should be implemented less than two years
  3. Recommendation with middle investment: potential of energy saving is about 10%-20% and payback period is 2-4 years. It should be implemented less than five years
  4. Recommendation with high investment: potential of energy saving is more than 30% and payback period is more than 4 years. It should be implemented less than five years

If the recommendation of audit energy can not be implemented for some reasons, it should be described economically and technically.

What to do after getting energy audit recommendation?

Energy management should be carried out to control energy consumption so that the effective and efficient energy utilization can be obtained. It is carried out by:

  • selecting energy manager
  • arranging energy conservation program
  • performing regular energy audit
  • implementing energy audit recommendation
  • reporting the implementation of energy audit annually to the ministry, governor, or local government.

Potential Business

As the first step to implement energy saving or energy conservation, the company should perform energy audit. It would be advantageous for my company because there are about 7000 companies in Indonesia which consume more than 6000 ton oil equivalent energy. Energy management also has become Indonesian law that should be obeyed. Energy conservation will become continuous activity, not stop until we get energy report but will continue and improve until how much energy can be conserved.

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