Last weekend, me, my mother, my little sister, and my cousin went to my late grandfather’s house. It was located in Ciherang Village, Cianjur Regency. Honestly, this was my first experience going there. Since I was little, I had no chance to go there.
It took about 80 km from Bandung to Ciherang. I went at 05.30 AM and arrived at 09.30 AM, so it is about about four hours long.
The road was winding, so sometimes I felt dizzy. The access was not good.
The road to my late grandfather’s house and also my relatives was not wide enough. It was enough for one car. In one side you can see river, so we were at about 20 meter above the river. It felt really dangerous.
My mom prayed along the way. I prayed once and sometimes I also feel afraid if I would jump to the river. This was also the biggest reason why my Mom didn’t really want me to go there. She felt very dangerous.
When I arrived there, I felt something that I didn’t usually feel at Bandung: cold condition all the time. At that day, it was not raining. But the air, the water were cold even in mid day. During night, it was even colder, so I wore my shocks all the time, even when I entered bathroom.
There were several interesting findings during my visits to my relative’s houses. I visited my aunt’s house and one of my cousin’s house. In my aunt’s house, I saw my family’s old cupboard. It was old, but still functional.
Then I looked around and found many of my family’s old stuffs there. The cupboards, the photographs, wall decorations, imitatation flowers, and so on.
Do you know that my house is full of stuffs, I mean new stuffs? My here, in my relatives’ house, I found simplicity and I found that what my Mom have given to them was very meaningful for them. They take care of the stuffs very carefully. They used it and feel that the stuffs in very useful.
I learnt a lot during the trip. I feel shamed of my self because I never feel enough and always greedy.