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Busy Engineer

These days I feel so busy so that I don’t have enough time to update this blog. I feel sorry about that because I have committed myself to keep updating the blog to prove that I learn something at work although it’s a bit.

I am actually not in a good mood to write technical things at work so that I just want to share to you what I am doing right now. I’m still doing EPC project as you may have already read on my previous post. However, the level of my work is getting higher and the portion is getting bigger. I feel so tired.

Although my academic background is chemical engineering, in the real life, I am not only dealing with process and chemical engineering things. In fact, I also deal with instrumentation, electrical, mechanical, and many more. It’s crazy because I haven’t learn about that in the university. However, I need to.

This is the list of recent works:

  1. Checking piping and instrumentation diagram especially instrumentation
  2. Make sure vendors are doing their job on schedule (fabrication and delivery)
  3. Checking engineering document from vendors
  4. Perform meeting with vendor to learn about product and to discuss about the appropriate equipment specification we need
  5. Perform technical meeting with vendors
  6. Doing necessary equipment inspection
  7. Coordinating with the team on site

Pretty much, huh?

So tired. But I feel this is very challenging and I hope I learn something from these difficulties.


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