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Simple Project Management Software

My husband just recently used Trello, one of simple project management sofware, to manage tasks between his project members. For your information, he is programmer with mechanical engineering background. On the other day, I saw him downloading project management e-book. This is quite interesting behavior.

Two years ago, when I was working in Senoro Gas Development Project, one of my colleague, who are planning and schedule, usually used Primavera as project management tools. It was a quite professional and advance tools.

I was wondering, if maybe there are several simple project management software that I and my team can use. The software should be simple enough, easy to use, and easy to customize.

In this post, I want to share you several simple project management software and my experience trying them.


Long time ago, I used Trello for my private project management tools. I just tried and realized that Trello is more powerful than I thought. This is one of simple project management software that I recommended so much because it is easy to use, easy to customize, and able to collaborate with other team member. I made an example on collaborative usage of Trello (with my husband) on “Travel to Yogyakarta” project”

In Trello you can:

  • “Create Board” which is made up of card ordered on lists
  • “Create Team” which is a group of people in a board
  • Manage your task, classify your task (in this example I used three big tasks, which are “Preparation”, “On-going”, and “Done”
  • Split the task into small task and monitor the task. You can also assign the task to particular project member
  • Check list of activity of a particular task
  • Check real time status of the task (I checked this with my husband on his smartphone. This software is really amazing, because the status is updated and synchronized very fast)
Example of Trello Board Travel to Jogja
Example of Trello Board Travel to Jogja – Trello is one of simple project management software
In Trello, you can add detail of a card and monitor the progress
In Trello, you can add detail of a card and monitor the progress


The second simple project management software that I tried is Taskworld. I tried this because I saw this ad which is quite interesting!

Taskworld ad which claims to be better than Trello
Taskworld ad which claims to be better than Trello

Let’s try if this is true!

Create new project in Taskworld
Create new project in Taskworld

The next step of creating project in Taskworld is to choose a template. I think the template is something that Trello does not have. And guess what? I think Taskworld is better at offering the template.

There are five project templates in Taskworld:

  • Blank: this is default template, like in Trello
  • Weekday: the project is divided into daily basis
  • Single team: the project is divided into team member
  • Department: the project is divided into department (for example: marketing, sales, etc)
  • Kanban: the project is divided into To Do, Doing, and Done

I tried Kanban system so that it is the same method as I used in Trello.

Choose project template in Taskworld
Choose project template in Taskworld

In my opinion, the dashboard of Trello and Taskworld is quite the same, moreover if you use Kanban system. Advantages of using Taskworld over Trello is, you can give tick to mark completed task.

Give tick to complete task
Give tick to complete task

Taskworld is better at its appearance (I think Taskworld is more beautiful than Trello).

It seems Trello is the highest rank of simple project management software because many competitors tried to be its alternative. alternative to Trello alternative to Trello

The simple steps to start with is quite similar with Trello and Taskworld, but there is something different:

  • Invite another user (still the same as Trello and Taskworld)
  • Add a project
  • Create task
  • Add a client (this one is different!)

I think, is not as simple as Trello or Taskworld, but it provides tools that can be powerful to measure the productivity and cost required to complete the task. For example, can calculate time spent to finish the project. I think that’s so cool!

That’s all I want to share. I hope you enjoy this post! Still confuse which one to use? Try the simplest one! 🙂

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