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Rifka Aisyah at Missrifka

Hello everyone,

My name is Rifka Aisyah. I have total six years experience working as process and project engineer (2011-2017). You might think I’m no longer young. But, I feel I’m still, so I will not change the header of this blog. 😀

Currently I am looking for opportunities to work as process engineer again since I have resigned from my previous company in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I resigned on May 15, 2017. I keep myself busy by reading, blogging, and helping my friends.

I start writing this blog again since August 2016 after vacuum for a quite long time. The motivation behind this was actually I’m not busy enough in my work (just kidding!) and I also want to do something I like that can define myself.

As process engineer, I worked in variety of fields, starting from carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) industry, ferronickel, turpentine, enzyme industry, and oil and gas industry. I also involved in various project, starting from:

  • Front-End Engineering Design
  • Feasibility study (pre-feasibility and feasibility study)
  • Energy audit
  • Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
  • Precommissioning activity

I realized that if I don’t write what experience I got from work, I will forget them all. So, I start writing in this blog.

21 thoughts to “Author”

  1. Hi Rifka, this is greeting is from Tony, I am a process engineer as well, now I am working with a middle sized engineering firm based in China.

  2. Saya dosen di ITB. Saat ini saya sedang mengerjakan proyek pengembangan mini refinery bersama dengan beberapa universitas dan institusi dari Korea. Saya tertarik dengan tulisan Mbak Rifka tentang Mini Refinery Review. Boleh kontak lebih lanjut? Siapa tahu bisa kerjasama. Terima kasih.

    1. Hello Maam
      Reading your blog Is really enlightening experience for me. As a aspiring Process Engineer your blog really help me to know what should I learn now to get more knowledge and to know other opportunities.
      Thanks for sharing your experience and looking forward to more such blogs.

  3. Hi Ms. Rifka, can you write on how to design LNG storage tank on FLNG with all the calculations and formulas? 🙁

  4. Hi Ms. Rifka, I download your compressor power calculation sheet it is a nice work but i feel some values are calculated wrong. I am Gas turbine engineer and work at compressor station. Here is data for you please apply it to your worksheet and reply me. My email is Data is

    Molecular weight of gas= 17.5
    Suction pressure=800 psia
    discharge pressure= 1097 Psia
    Suction Temperature= 540 R
    Flow= 200 MMSCFD
    Compressor efficiency=85%
    What HP is required=???????

    I will wait your reply.


  5. Hi Rifka! I love all the information and resources that you have created with this site. Please contact me to colaborate

  6. Hi. I found your blog when I’m looking for cooling tower calculation. Your blog is so informative and user-friendly. I’m doing task related to energy integration in esterification plant now during my internship. Keep up the good work.

      1. hi ms rifka i stumbled upon ur blog and i learn so much stuff. i really wish u can continue the remaining 5 parts for fire protection pump capacity. i want to know how do we know the number of supplementary hose we will need for firewater and foam.. i have some.trouble understanding it and finding whr to get the info from pls help me 🙁

  7. Salam alaikum.
    Nice effort. Very organized and clear.
    Please verify the equation for flare header sweep requirements. I suspect there is a typo.

  8. Hi Rifka,
    This is my first time on this site and I am very interested in the information you are kindly sharing. Can you please send me a copy of the spreadsheet on the pipeline flow equation (and others if you have), as it will be very helpful.
    Thanks in advance.

  9. Hi Rifka,
    Nice to meet you, I have interested to your website about Pipeline flow equation comparison. Could you please send me a copy of the excel spreadsheet of pipeline flow equation for several method. It will be very helpful for me to get comparison between the method
    Here is my email :
    Thank you
    Warm Regards,
    Rd. Luthfan Sentani E. H.

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