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Renewable Energy Sources: Geothermal and Biomass

In previous post, I shared brief overview about common renewable energy sources, such as solar power, wind power, and hydro power. In this post, I want to continue sharing about other renewable energy sources, which are geothermal, biomass, and energy sources from sea (wave, tidal, and ocean thermal energy conversion).

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is renewable and offer more advantages than other renewable energy sources, such as hydro, wind, bio energy, biomass, and wave energy. It has high degree of availability, low land use, insignificant dependence on weather conditions, and comparatively low visual impact.

Global installed capacity of geothermal power has reached 14.4 GW, with the US as the largest geothermal country so far. Read More

Renewable Energy Sources: Solar, Wind, and Hydropower

Renewable energy is increasing around the world. This is because energy from fossil fuel becomes scarce. In Indonesia, based on RUPTL 2018, government plant to increase geothermal energy source from 5% in 2018 to 12% in 2025. The percentage of other renewable energy is 0% in 2018 to 2% in 2025.

What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is generated from sources that naturally replenish themselves and never run out.

Renewable energy could be alternative to combat with climate change because it does not generate direct greenhouse gas emission. The only emission that renewable energy generate is indirect greenhouse gas emission, which are from installation, operation, and maintenance. Read More

Potential geothermal projects in Indonesia

Potential Geothermal Project in Indonesia

Today I stumbled upon Investment Catalog while searching for certain information. The catalog was issued by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia. And guess what? I found something interesting: potential geothermal project in Indonesia.

The catalog was actually 2017 version. However, I think it is still quite relevant.

For you, who are consultant like me, EPC contractors, vendors, or licensors, you may be interested on this information. You can download the publication to read detail information about those projects. In this post, I want to share you potential geothermal project in Indonesia and its status based on publication on media.

There are six potential geothermal projects in Indonesia. Those are geothermal project in Gunung Galunggung , Gunung Hamiding, Gunung Wilis, Gunung Simbolon Samosir, Graho Nyabu, and Gunung Geureudong. Some of the name are familiar for me. Read More

Several Natural Gas Dehydration Methods and Range of Application

In almost every gas processing plant, there will be natural gas dehydration unit. Sometimes, it is called dehydration unit (DHU) or dehydrator. When, I was working in Tripatra and involving in Senoro Gas Development Project, the facilities consisted of dehydration unit as one of them.

Natural gas dehydration unit is an important facilities in onshore and offshore gas processing plant. Its function are:

  • To mitigate risk of water condensation, which leads to flow capacity issues (pipeline clogging and blocking)
  • To prevent hydrate formation or to minimize corrosion
  • To ensure smooth operation in downstream facilities. For example, gas pipeline is usually required 4-7 lb/MMSCF water content (87.2-152.6 ppm). For cryogenic unit (to produce LNG), water content in gas shall be less than 1 ppm. For CNG plant, before entering compressor unit, water content shall be reduced to maximum 3 lb/MMSCF to meet product specification.

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How to be a Creative Writer

Two weeks ago, I got an amazing opportunity to participate in Bandung Creative Writer Festival, an event organized by KPKers (Creative Writers Community).

In this event I learnt how to motivate ourselves to be consistent in producing writings, how to gain ideas for our writings, and many more.

There are three speakers in this event, which are Jumadi Haryadi, who gave tips and trick to easily write something (we even practiced it in the event), Pak Adrie Noor, who has published books abroad, and Pak Ali Muakhir, who has wrote many kids and teenagers books.

Motivation First!

We write because we have motivation to write. What is your writing motivation? What your motivation is will drive you to be a lasted writer or temporary writer.

Several motivation of writing
Several motivation of writing

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Aging with Grace

Aging with Grace and My First Beauty Class

Last weekend, I participated in Aging with Grace Seminar and beauty class. This activity was held as one of celebration event of 70 years of ITB School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH). I think this seminar and beauty class will be very interesting.

Speakers of the seminar were Dr. Anggaini Barlian, who is lecturer in ITB School of Life Sciences and Technology, and Bu Maily, who is advance research coorporate head from Sariayu Martha Tilaaar (PT Martina Berto Tbk). Dr. Anggraini explained about what aging is, aging process, what causes aging, and several of her research on aging. In addition, Bu Maily explained about trend in current cosmetics and how to get healthy skin as we grow old. Read More

Attending Financial Technology Seminar in ITB Part 2: Required Skills in Digital Era and Learning From TCASH and Tokopedia About Financial Services

The next speaker after Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati in seminar of financial technology for Indonesia was partner from McKinsey Indonesia. They explained about digital archipelago and what skills required in digital era.

Digital Archipelago: How Online Commerce is Driving Indonesia’s Economic Development

You can download executive summary of the Digital Archipelago publication here. The publication is about how Indonesia’s economic development is growing due to growth of digital technology.

McKinsey team also described three types of skills required in this digital area, which are technology skills (digital skills), classic skills (human skills), and digital citizenship skills (metaskills). Read More

MCF-MMC ITB 2018 (1)

Attending Financial Technology Seminar in ITB Part 1: Digital Economy and Its Challenges

This weekend, I spent my time participating in seminar of financial technology for Indonesia held by ITB Department of Matematics. This event is part of biennial event which is Mathematical Challenge Festival and Mathematical Model Competition (MMC-MCF).

There are three motivation why I participated in this event. First, I want to spend by weekend by doing something very useful. Second, I want to share how I spent my weekend in this blog so this blog becomes rich with various topics. Three, one of main speakers in this event was Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who is Indonesia Ministry of Finance. Who would miss this opportunity? Read More