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Fail-safe position

Fail-Safe Position Selection of Control Valve

In designing a processing facility, we usually use control valve to manipulates the temperature, pressure, level, or fluid flow rate in process system. The selection of control valve, which is air-to-open or air-to-close, is base on safety consideration. In case of power loss or air failure , control valve should move in safe position (fail-safe).

Fail Position

Fail position is the term used to describe how control valve will react when there is loss of power. I read there are three different fail positions. Read More

Pressure Level in Pressure Vessel Requirement

I am very interested in learning API 520 and API 521 (everything about pressure relieving system). It is because that is the weakest point of me. I want to try make my understanding better, starting from pressure level.

I have heard and read so much about pressure terminology since years ago but still confusing until now. What was the MAWP, MOP, design pressure, set pressure, relieving pressure?

In this post I want to share what I read in API RP 521 (Guide for Pressure Relieving and Depressuring Systems). I read about some terminology in pressure level so that I hope I will not confuse about terms anymore.

Let’s see some terms in column Pressure Vessel Requirement. Read More

Regulating Sector

Regulating Sector at City Gas Distribution System – Understanding

This is the forth post of city gas series. Check my previous post about how to calculate city gas flow rate, city gas network part 1, and understanding metering and regulating station. In this post, I want to share you about regulating sector. 

Before being distributed to house, gas pressure and gas flow from tapping point will be monitored in metering and regulation station (MRS). After leaving MRS, gas will be distributed via distribution pipeline which is usually MDPE pipe.

In my project we use 63 mm pipe or 90 mm pipe for distribution pipeline.

Gas distribution is usually grouped. Each group covers several houses, which can be as low as 900 houses to 2000 houses. In each group, we installed regulating sector.  Read More

Example metering and regulation station

Understanding Metering and Regulating Stations and Its Part

This is the third post of city gas series. Please check the first post about how to calculate city gas requirement and the second post about city gas distribution network part 1

In previous post, I share you one important part of city gas distribution equipment which is Metering and Regulating Stations (MRS). For review, the function of MRS is to monitor flow rate of gas and to reduce gas pressure thus it meets requirement. Gas pressure is reduced from more than 16 bar to 5-15 bar in MRS. I checked in “City Gas Network Handbook” published by Indonesian Government, maximum pressure of city gas distribution system is 7 bar, although in reality, gas operating pressure is not that high. Read More

City gas network

City Gas Distribution Network (Part 1)

This is second post of city gas network series. For the first post, please check “City Gas Flowrate Requirement”.

City gas distribution is one of Indonesia national priority program which purpose is to diversify energy, to reduce energy subsidiary, to provide clean and cheap energy, and as complementary program to convert cerosene into Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG).

The total installed city gas until now is 56,888 house connection. It will be increased year by year. For example in 2013, the government planned to installed 16,000 connection. Read More

Economic of comparison vacuum insulated tank and flat bottom tank

Comparison of LNG Flat Bottom Tank and Vacuum Insulated Tank

In previous post (typical process flow diagram of small scale LNG regasification facility), I explained that LNG storage tank played important part in the facility. It is used to stored LNG for certain duration (usually in term of round trip). In small scale LNG regasification facilities, vacuum insulated tank is usually used because the capacity if small. But when the capacity is high, LNG flat bottom tank is used.

In this post I want to share you difference and comparison between LNG flat bottom tank and vacuum insulated tank and give some advice what to choose.

Table below shows comparison of flat bottom storage tank and vacuum insulated tank. Read More

Schematic of LNG single containment flat bottom tank part 2 (EN 1473)

Flat Bottom Storage Tank – Different Types and Its Features

In my third LNG project, I had a chance to meet two different LNG storage tank vendors. One vendor produce vacuum insulated  storage tank (pressurized type) and the other one produce flat bottom storage tank (atmospheric type).

During the meeting I got several terms of  LNG flat bottom storage tank types, such as single containment tank, double containment tank, and full containment tank. What was that?

In this post I want to share you different types of LNG flat bottom storage tank and its special features. Read More


Ten Tips How to Survive Working at Consultant Company

I’ve been working in two different consultant companies. Totally I’ve been working for almost four years in consultation world. In this post I want to share you some advice on how to survive working at consultant company. The inspiration of this post was from many difficulties I’ve faced.

#1 Working Experiences

The term consultant itself defines everything. When you work at consultant company, so you are “consultant”. You are the place where your client ask about their difficulties. You are also a right place to judge something. It is impossible to do that correctly if you are lack of experience. That is why consultant companies must be reinforced with well-experienced personnel, probably the one with more than ten years working experience in special fields (for example in LNG field, geothermal field, and so on). How if you are fresh graduate or the one with lack experience? I think you should learn from experience ones. It will be better for consultant company to invest in experienced personnel. Read More