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New Company

Hi, everyone! It’s been a long time since the last time I updated this blog. I want to share you a good news: I’ve resigned and got a new job. Yey!

The company which I am working for is EPC company especially for oil and gas project. Now I involve in gas development project in Senoro, Indonesia. Before I talk much about my work, I want to share you a few things about the process of deciding to resign.

See the whole things

Before you decide to take or not a new job, you need to see the whole project you’ve involved in. Don’t just see what is the latest project. In interview you may share about works or project you think the coolest, the most amazing, or the biggest. Sometimes, it does not help you or actually it does not fit for you (this is my real experience). If you have completed, for example, six projects, you need to analyze each of them and ask yourself: in what project I feel the most all out, which project I feel comfortable, learn the most, love the most, exciting the most…

Know your values

Money is consideration, but not the first one. I value creativity and freedom of thinking. I also value flexibility. You need to find what your values are and keep questioning: does the company you will be involved in appreciate your values?

Know your talents

This is the hardest one. Not everyone knows in which area they are good naturally. I suggest we need to keep doing exploring and analyzing ourselves in what kind of job we find easy for us to master and in what part we need to do extra effort. It’s good to have a job we love the most, fit with our talents, and appreciate your values. Have you find it?