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Water Treatment Plant: Typical Configuration and Processes

Since May 2012, I have been involving in an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) project. In my opinion, it is a big project because the core business of my company are (but not limited) feasibility study, plant assessment, turn around, plant re-activation, etc.

The first job I need to perform was to create Piping and Instrumentation Diagram of Water Treatment Plant. It was quite challenging task because this is the first time I deal with P&ID and also the first time I deal with Water Treatment Plant. Read More

Understanding Steam Boiler and Its Process

Yesterday, I got an opportunity to attend technical confirmation meeting with steam Boiler vendor. Unlike previous meeting with pump vendor, our senior chemical engineer and also our general manager of operation who are also chemical engineer, attended too.

Last time I had a curiosity to have full understanding about Boiler, its configuration, process philosophy, and manufacturing philosophy. Attending this meeting was one of free learning to understand those issue. At least it stimulated my curiosity again. Read More

Chemical engineer’s Diary: How to Keep on Track

Working as chemical engineer in Project Management Company is sometimes difficult. The reason is, mostly, we, the chemical engineers, young one or old one, fresh one or expert one, have to handle more than one project. We called that system as matrix.

In my company, the newly come chemical engineer usually handle one project. Then, on the second or third month of working, they will start to handle at least two project simultaneously. Some people may not have difficulties to manage this. But, for me, it is very hard. Read More

Chemical Engineer’s Diary: How far I have grown?

About five days ago I got an email from my boss. He asked my opinion about working in this company. Honestly, I have been asking myself how far I have grown as chemical engineer who works as consultant. I found the answer was very hard. I am not quite sure I have grown a lot as chemical engineer.

I have been working in this company since November 2011, so it’s been nine months. I have involved in six projects, one pre-feasibility study project, one bankable feasibility study project, three energy audit projects, and one engineering project (make piping and instrumentation diagram mostly). Although my project is quite a lot, I think my chemical engineering knowledge improved slowly. This is regrettable, but I need will not stop to create many ideas to improve ability. Read More

Energy Audit : Its Business Potential


Energy Audit especially for buildings and plants is considered as a huge potential business for consulting company especially in Indonesia. The Indonesia ministry of energy and mineral resources has issued law No. 14 year of 2002 about energy management. The law said that every energy user which consumes more than 6000 ton oil equivalent (TOE) is required to implement energy management.

What is energy audit

Energy audit is evaluation process of energy utilization, identification of energy saving opportunities, and formulate recommendation and energy efficiency improvement. Energy audit is carried out at least to main energy consumers regularly once every three year.

Who does energy audit?

Energy audit should be performed by internal energy auditor or by accredited institutions. The energy auditor should have competence certificate based on Indonesia legislation. Read More